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      Evaluation of waterway engineering construction and regulation effect in middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
      Published: 19-03-20 Source:Port & Waterway Engineering     Hits: 673    share it:

      Abstract:We summarize the channel regulation engineering construction experience of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River since the 1990s,gather the current situation and the general situation of constructed, under-construction and awaiting projects, evaluate the regulation effectiveness from the aspects of evolution of shoals and channels, shoreline, high beaches, branch division ratio, channel dimension, and analyze the problems of the subsequent construction. Contrasting the channel conditions before and after the implementation of the project, we find that constructed projects succeed in many aspects, such as systematically protecting river beaches and shorelines, stabilizing river regime and the situation of shoals and channels, increasing channel depth and improving channel conditions of constructed reaches. The constructions of channel projects lay foundation for future regulation.

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